ABC News: Nobel Prize Winner's Recession Solution
Five Trillion more in government spending might be needed according to this Princeton Nobel Prize winning economist? We have Keynesian economics on steroids! The economic principles that most Americans understand in their daily lives should remain the same at the national level. If your friend is going bankrupt and comes to you for advice how likely are you to say, "Well Joe, what you need to do is max out all your credit cards, assume more debt and keep spending your way out of this situation. Sooner or later things will get better." It doesn't make sense for your neighbor and it doesn't make sense for our government at the national level. Our government can get away with it because they can legally print money to cover the cost where Joe can not. However, sooner or later WE have to pay that debt. The problem is the people writing these checks today know they aren't going to be on the hook to pay for it. They will be long gone and our children and grandchildren will be left to clean up this mess.
The Japanesse went through a massive real-estate crash in the 90's which showed more devastation than a normal stock market crash. We missed the warning signs or thought that somehow it couldn't happen to us. They tried the same approach of massive government spending to "spend their way out of the problem" and but according to the experts, "ended up with a mountain of debt and a lost decade of little or no economic growth." (George Melloan, WSJ)
As long as we have people like Paul Krugman of the New York Times saying that the Great Depression lasted 10 years because the government didn't spend enough and we have a government listening to Keynesian economists we are going to get massive deficit spending for years to come.
What we need is personal responsibility and fiscal restraint from our neighborhoods all the way to Washington. The sound economic principles that most people understand on main street need to be adopted by those residing on Pennsylvania Avenue. I remember an old saying, "If the people will lead, the leaders will follow."
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