My last two posts deal with the growing problem in California and how state lawmakers are trying to balance the budget and change tax law to deal with a busted state budget and a bankrupt state. Rick Newcombe writes an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal titled "Why We'll Leave L.A." that ran Friday, July 10, 2009. Once again, poor tax law and a anti-business climate is chasing out business owners due to the mismanagement of state government officials who can change the law at will, reclassify businesses to gain more tax revenue, and outright abuse business owners. The end result is these people are leaving and taking their jobs and tax revenues to states that are more "business friendly." The sad thing is President Obama's administration is trying to copy some of California's policies on a national scale. Why? Have we not seen what the end result will be? California is a mess and begging for Federal support to keep it alive and Washington thinks implementing those policies across the nation is a good idea? We should find states that have a pro business climate and follow their lead. Policies that help small businesses grow produce local jobs and increased tax revenue for the local and state economy which everyone benefits from. Taxing the hell out of business owners is as bad as sending all the jobs overseas.
This line, "Their official position is that the city is not bound by past rulings -- only taxpayers are.", sounds like it is right out of "Atlas Shrugged".
What many government employees fail to realize is there are many people that will notice what the government employees are doing. This will lead to change forced by the people, in this case, the people moving out of Los Angeles which fortunately right now the government is not restricting.
Posted by: John Dickinson - One Purpose! One Million! | July 23, 2009 at 05:18 PM