This article comes from FastCompany and was posted Tuesday January 25, 2011 by FC Blogger Drew Neisser. You can access the entire article at here FastCompany. Drew reports what Robert Herzog, founder of ZogSports, considers keys for the entrepreneur "who actually wants to enjoy the journey." Here they are.
1) Pursue your passion
2) Make sure it is meaningful
3) Hire the happy
4) Prepare yourself properly
5) Forget the funding
6) Emphasize the experience
7) Live your life
8) Grow your goals
I would add to make sure you enjoy working with anyone your bring along with you. Partnerships can be powerful for your company but can also be tricky so make sure you trust and get along very well with anyone you partner with. Finally, as you read Robert's analysis of each of these points with the link I provided you will see he is very happy he never accepted VC money because he was able to keep total control of his company. You can't always avoid this so if you are looking at starting a business an important question to ask is, "How much control do I want to have over this?" Knowing that answer will help you make the right decisions from there.